Ciao From This Luxury Girl

A luxury girl lounging on a sofa

Hello, world. I am your much-needed bestie, Rosalie Thomas. Together let’s learn to enjoy the little funs in life. Oh, I know you have been living the good, straight and stiffy life all this time. In comparison, it can be quite productive and everything. But it can be boring, tiring and exhausting too. Oh yeah, I know that look. You guys always reply with, “No, I enjoy doing this. I enjoy my job”. Sure. Maybe you do mean that. But every great machine needs repair, maintenance and proper treatment to shine through the day. Similarly, don’t you think it is essential to change your oils once in a while? So, let’s awaken that much-needed luxury girl and boy in you.

Is luxury unnecessary?

Well, the question may seem a bit pointless. But I need to address this to convince you to enjoy your life. So, let’s get it over with. Is luxury a necessity? No… At least not for everybody, and absolutely not in every situation. But does that mean it is a complete waste of resources and an unnecessary expense? Yeah…, this is exactly what hinders you from unleashing the inner luxury girl and boy, right? So, we have to have a talk about this.

You may think luxury is pointless and selfish. But is that true? I do agree with the fact that luxury items are huge investments, and the majority of us cannot afford them. A section of society that acquires it can never even dream of replacing them. But still, we desire them. Don’t even dream of lying. Premium quality stuff always has a certain level of allure to it. Most of us stay away from it because we consider it an unnecessary expense. But maybe all of us need to reevaluate what we consider unnecessary. Because, at times, luxury items too can be the need of the time.

What exactly does one mean by unnecessary?

Unnecessary is defined as something that is not necessary or needed. That means anything and everything that is beyond the basic and bare minimum can be considered as an unnecessary thing or expense. Then, aren’t all of us making unnecessary expenses on a daily basis? You could have survived even if you hadn’t indulged in that tub of ice cream or bar chocolate. You can definitely eat your meal without a non-veg. You can definitely take a bus or, even better, walk to your destinations rather than driving a car, bike or booking an aeroplane. But still, don’t we do all of these things?So, let’s awaken that much-needed luxury girl and boy in you.

We do purchase nice clothes instead of practical and cheap ones. We do love to appear as someone who is put together. Even if you abstain from buying luxury items, you will still try to procure classy and expensive-looking products that fit your budget. Won’t you? So, you have to agree to the fact that owning nice things does make you happy and confident. So, is something that makes you happy and confident unnecessary?

Relationship between luxury and the confidence of a luxury girl

Do you know what I think? Any expense that will add to your self-confidence is much necessary. Don’t you think so? Well, I am not suggesting that you should break the bank and hoard luxury products. That can make your life extremely stressful. But don’t say not to luxury just because you feel that is unnecessary. Sometimes you have to treat yourself to the good things in the world. Some days you have to choose yourself above others.

Potential luxury girls and guys, listen carefully. Splurging money on yourself is never a bad thing. How will you ever be confident if you don’t even value yourself to gift yourselves the best in this world? Well, I just want to remind you that, luxury or not, you are worth every penny this world can afford. And next time you feel like spending some on yourself, don’t hesitate.

So, luxury girl, is luxury really unnecessary?

Finally, treat yourself like kings and queens. Note this down, people, if you don’t treat yourself well or if you don’t treat yourself the way you should be treated, nobody else will. People regard and treat you by observing how you value yourself. People tend to treat you by imitating how you treat yourself. So, the next time someone tries to walk all over you, realize that you have been treating yourself shitty.

At the end of the day, take a moment and reevaluate your priorities. Saving money is a good thing, but save it at times and on things that make sense. Don’t deprive yourself of the goodness in the world, and save up. That is a bad habit. Spend on yourself and spend on the people you value. Because no matter how much nonmaterialistic you and your loved ones think you are, everyone loves to be pampered and valued. Yeah, think about that, will you?


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